Stretch & Shake

By: Tiara Blain | May 9, 2021

Stretching | Movement | Wellbeing | Healthy lifestyle | Mental health

It is so important to remember to stretch throughout the day.

During such times when a lot of us are sitting behind a desk all day going from zoom meeting, to google spreadsheets, to yet another zoom meeting, we can begin to feel idle. Not just our minds, but our bodies as well. Muscles become stiff and tight causing back problems, possible herniations, hip pain and more. We also can start to feel unfulfilled, mundane and uninterested. Sitting for most of the day is not the best circumstance for the body, or mind. This is why it is so important to remember to stretch throughout the day, whether in the shower before beginning the day, in between work and home tasks, or right before bed. You can even get some stretching in by getting up, putting some music on and dancing a little. It is just beneficial to make sure to move our bodies every now and then throughout our daily routine, giving our muscles some stimulation. Stimulation is also necessary for the mind of course, which is why coming up for air every now and then during our hectic day is vital in maintaining overall wellbeing. 

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