Mind Over Matter

April 22, 2021 | By: Tiara Blain

Mental health | Positive Thinking | Depression | Psychological Interventions | Mindfulness | CBT | Self-Compassion

“I think therefore I am”,

Descartes’ famous words that resonate throughout history as a philosophical discovery directed towards the concept that being able to form a thought confirms existence. Let us take this quote a bit further by emphasizing how the power of our thoughts can influence who we are and how we feel.

Animated Black woman holding plant pot containing leaves with inspiration words

There is a connection between the body, spirit, and mind. 

The idea is that if we find ways to think positively eventually, we will feel positive. What if how you feel stops you from thinking so positively, well that is when mindful interventions can be useful by helping alter our thinking and regulate emotions. When one does have depressive feelings, of course there is less motivation to produce positive thoughts or practice healthy lifestyle habits like exercising. So we often wait until we do feel better, but it’s more difficult to feel better if we aren’t attempting to think and act better. This even goes for implementing healthy lifestyle factors, it is highly likely that when you are already fatigued or busy with life you won't want to exercise or change your diet habits until it does become a routine. 

Fake it till you make it

This is when the term ‘fake it till you make it” comes into play. Consciously attempting to change self-destructive or negative thinking habits by replacing them with kinder, more positive thoughts and words of affirmation can be very difficult but extremely necessary. Especially in those times when we have the urge to dwell in negative feelings and thoughts, it’s important to be aware of the habit we may have developed of lingering in them, and consciously be kinder to ourselves in that moment. We should be mindfully compassionate by observing, accepting, and processing our feelings, whether good or bad, in a nonjudgmental manner. It is important for us to be aware of how we treat ourselves and others and attempt to be understanding and patient. Self-compassion and compassion for others has been associated with coping skills, resilience, and overall better mental and physical health outcomes. Also, try to count your blessings, a little gratitude goes a long way in being able to adjust to circumstance in life and process emotions effectively. Just being grateful for what is already going well while working towards what can be better helps in not dwelling on negative thoughts. Fake it till you make it just means make yourself think better until you feel better, even when it’s hard. Basically, faking it until you actually are making these positive thoughts automatically, and then the positive ones will literally have replaced the negative, now that is mind power!

Interventions that help us think positively



Smile as often as you can!

This doesn’t mean mask your feelings, if you're upset, be upset, process these emotions, regulate them, confront them and don't judge yourself for them. But in every moment when you can laugh, take that opportunity! Laughing produces endorphins, which relieves stress. This is also the same hormone released when the body is being relieved of pain.


Don’t forget to breathe!

Practice some breathing, meditation and even yoga techniques. Breathing and meditation does not only help with producing oxygen within the brain and calming the nerves, which are both effective in managing anxiety, it also aids in soothing the stomach along with the rest of the body.


Go out with friends sometimes!

Create those laughable moments by hanging out with friends and loved ones. A support system is very helpful in producing positive feelings. Research has shown that individuals with social support display higher levels of quality of life and better mental and physical health.


Exercise even when you don't feel like it! 

Exercise releases the hormone dopamine which can help boost mood and decrease anxiety and depression. It also reduces inflammation within the body aiding in both mental and physical health. Consistent daily exercise of just 20 minutes of moderate physical activity is more effective than occasional rigorous physical activity.

Consider Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  

If you do feel that things are a bit overwhelming for you and can’t seem to shake negative feelings or thoughts, a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or therapist could help guide you through your journey. Cognitive behavioral therapy specifically has been found to be effective not only for better mental health outcomes but also physical health outcomes, like reducing chronic pain or fatigue.  Cognitive behavioral therapy is a series of therapy sessions focused on altering destructive thoughts to reach better outcomes.  When we feel we may need some assistance in gaining skills to help produce healthy thinking and behavioral habits cognitive behavior therapy is a great option.

Do The Best You Can!

Especially during times when life is somewhat confusing and frustrating it is difficult to just tell someone, and even convince yourself, to “be positive” or “smile more”. What does that really mean anyway? - To act as if everything is okay when it’s not? Or live in a fantasy world ignoring all that is really going on? - Not exactly. It honestly can mean just doing the best you can with what you are dealt, and being optimistic that things can be better. With this idea in mind, when life does bring you happy or peaceful moments you can feel deserving and gracious in accepting them. Take the opportunity to crack a smile or say something positive to yourself, a loved one even a stranger. Remember to try and rid the habit of thinking negatively by replacing these thoughts with positive ones. I know it may feel unnatural at first, breaking any habit to build a healthier one will always be overwhelming and uncomfortable, but worth it. Don’t forget, what begins in your mind can become your reality. Powerful stuff!



Ecoinstitute (2021). Mindful Meditation Breathing: Instructions, Tips, & Benefits. Retrieved from


Mayo clinic, (2021). Cognitive behavioral therapy. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/cognitive-behavioral-therapy/about/pac-20384610

Neff, K. (2017). What self compassion is. Retrieved from https://self-compassion.org/the-three-elements-of-self-compassion-2/

Neff, K., D., & Seppala, E. (2016). Compassion, Well-Being, and the Hypoegoic Self. In K. W. Brown & M. Leary (Eds), Oxford Handbook of Hypo-egoic Phenomena: Theory and Research on the Quiet Ego (pp. 189 -202). Oxford University Press.

Robinson, L., Smith, M., & Segal, J. (2020). Laughter is the best medicine. Retrieved from https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/laughter-is-the-best-medicine.htm

Sandoui, A. (2017). Just 20 minutes of exercise enough to reduce inflammation, study finds. Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/315255

Strine, T. W., Chapman, D. P., Balluz, L., & Mokdad, A. H. (2008). Health-related quality of life and health behaviors by social and emotional support. Their relevance to psychiatry and medicine. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 43(2), 151–159. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-007-0277-x

World Health Institute, (2021). Physical Activity. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/physical-activity


Above All, Stop Fatigue


Stretch & Shake