Cleme & Friends: Wonders of Citrus Essential Oils

By: Tiara Blain | April 27, 2021

Essential Oils | Stress Reduction | Wellness | Mental Health | G.E.R.D | Sleep

“When I first met clementine, it was love at first sight.”

Most of us know of the ever so popular effects of lavender oil in relaxing the body and calming the mind. Then there’s the well known duo of peppermint and eucalyptus that can help cleanse the sinuses and reduce muscle aches. But we don’t hear as much about the benefits of citrus essential oils, especially clementine.

When I first met Clementine, it was love at first sight. Experiencing severe GERD (consistent acid buildup) stomach pain, anxiety, and insomnia, a few drops in my diffuser helped it all! I felt the acid going down, my nerves were settled and I could finally get some sleep. That’s exactly what this essential oil is good for - tackling it all - sleep, stomach pain, acid reflux, mood, all the troubling symptoms that doesn’t only coexist with every chronic illness, but impacts everyone. So many of us are struggling with these problems throughout the daily hassles of life. Maybe a few drops of an essential oil will work for you as clementine and other citrus oils have for me.

I recently became acquainted with grapefruit, lemon and lime, and got along with them just as well. These oils also help with upliftment, sleep, and fatigue. Alongside lavender, and chamomile - grapefruit even aids clementine in relieving stomach pain when rubbed on the belly, creating a dynamic blend, that also smells amazing!

All around, citrus oils are pleasing to the senses, Soothing to the body, uplifting to the spirit and calming to the mind.

Some powerful stuff I may say. Of course, not everything influences everyone the same way, but the great thing about aromatherapy is it doesn’t hurt to try! I’ve tried a good amount of oils before finding my favorites and it was definitely worth the search!


For more information pertaining to other different essential oils, or those mentioned above, purchase the amazing book referenced below or browse the internet for scientific knowledge regarding essential oils.


Avizienis, A. (2019). Essential oils: Essential oil and aromatherapy recipes for wellness, beauty, and a healthy home. Thunder Bay Press.


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Gut Feeling